
10 Treats

Here is a quick training for building any command with your dog. There is also a version that you can use to build the duration of a command. This will also give you a good idea of how well your dog knows the command. 10 bite-sized treats (more or less depending on how well your dog ...


Here is a quick training for building any command with your dog. There is also a version that you can use to build the duration of a command. This will also give you a good idea of how well your dog knows the command.

  • 10 bite-sized treats (more or less depending on how well your dog knows the command and how long you want the session to last)
  • One command to work
  • Treat pouch or an empty pocket
  1. Put half the treats in each hand.
  2. Give your dog the command you want to work on during the session.
  3. If your dog DOES it on the first ask, mark it and release your dog from the command. Reward it with one of the treats.
  4. If your dog DOES NOT do it on the first ask, put one treat in the treat pouch.
  5. Repeat until all the treats are out of your hands.
  6. Give your dog the All Done signal and show it your empty hands.

Click here to watch a video of me doing this training.